Sunday, 14 February 2016

The start of it all.

Assalamualaikum and hello to you..yes you. The one reading this. Ni kiranya first time buat blog pasal makeup. Before this berjinak2 dgn blog masakan, but my passion has always been about makeup.

Mula2 pening jugak nak fikirkan nama tuk blog ni. Yang pasti, title blog ni mesti ada something to do about makeup. Tu yang tiba2 terlintas difikiran lagu Meghan Trainor (hope i spelled it right) "all about that bass". So immediately i thought of foundation. I love foundation. If i could hoard a single category of makeup...pasti pilih foundation. Sebabnya, a good foundation is a good base for other makeup like blush, powder and what not. Foundation tu kira macam base la. Thats why nama blog ni "all about that base".

Lagi satu..masa fikir2 nak write this blog, confused kejap nak tulis dalam bahasa malaysia atau english. I would have loved to blog in english..but i thought why not have the best of both. Jangan kecam saya ok. Haha.

In my blog, awal2 saya nak state that i love high-end makeup. But lately, i have been loving some pretty good drugstore/pharmacy makeup brands. So. My blog will feature a mix of both but leaning more towards high-end products.

Anyways, welcome to my blog and stay tuned for more reviews, skincare updates to come.



  1. Love ur blog. Informative in easy simple way.keep it up!

    1. Thank you Jasnur inspiration, blogs been a little lagging lately. Will blog again soon. Thanks for stopping by.
