Sunday 28 October 2018

Chanel Les 4 Ombres Legerete Et Experience

2018 is nearing its end. With just 2 months to go before new year. Usually, holiday sets and limited edition items come out in November, but somehow i feel that companies are putting out these items quicker than usual.

Got a heads up from my good friend Miko at Chanel Sunway Pyramid about the 2018 holiday collections. As i scrolled down the pictures she sent me, my heart immediately skipped a beat when i saw this beautiful palette. I have always wanted to get the Candeur et experience which has 3 browns and a red. Also was intrigued by this years fall quad which is the Clair obscur but didnt feel the urgency to get it in the end. But this palette right here is something else.

To be honest, before i actually saw it in person, i had assumed that it was not going to be very pigmented and hard to work with.  Even swatching it on the back of my hand does not give it justice as to how it performs on the eyes. The quad was superb on the eyes! Not only were the colors pigmented, but the combination of all 4 colors i could get away with without it looking muddy. In fact the peachy hues make it so wearable and youthful. I could still create a vampy look with the colors. And looking at the particular red, its really a beautiful brick red which i find very popular amongst brands this year especially in Korean beauty.

Anyway, this is my first Chanel quad ever and no regrets. Hope you enjoy the pictures and if its available, do grab one. Its a great addition to any makeup collectors ever growing collection with the rare red colored CC's on the casing. The box itself is something i wouldnt want to throw away.

Its priced at RM245 at all Chanel counters and stores in Malaysia. 

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